Corporate Restructuring

The "Corporate Restructuring" service line accompanies managers who have diagnosed their company as having difficulty or is likely to become so, to adopt and implement restructuring measures adapted to the situation.

Restructure your business as an expert:

  • Situation and risk analysis (legal and financial)
  • Assistance in choosing restructuring measures:
  1. Abandonment of activities or lines of products or services.
  2. Closure of production workshops, services, industrial sites.
  3. Implementing a job-saving plan, employee support plans.
  4. Disposal of assets or fixed assets, auctioned or over-the-counter, scrapped.
  5. Termination, transfer, by assignment, license granting, lease management, partial contribution of assets, leases, exploitation rights of an activity, or property (leases, leasings, supply. .)
  6. "Spin-off" of non-strategic activities, (transfer to a third party, competitor or not) (sale of business assets, spin-off of the business by partial contribution of assets to another company whose securities remunerating the contribution will then be transferred to the third party purchaser ...)
  7. Creation between partners, joint ventures (or associations of companies), consortium contracts, joint subsidiaries, economic interest groups.
  8. use of "down sizing", (adaptation of the size of the teams and the means of production to the volumes of activity and the requirements and constraints of organization.
  9. use of industrial subcontracting, or the outsourcing of certain services or activities (sales force, payroll, logistics, inventory management, facilities management ...).
  10.  reduction of duplicates as a result of an acquisition or merger.
  11. reorganization of work ...
  • Assistance in the negotiation of contracts
  • After restructuring: transfer of the company or backing to a financial or industrial partner: negotiation of the conditions of the operation and drafting of the contractual documentation.
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